Mirror Mirror on the Wall

You know how the story goes.  Mine is similar, it involves a mirror or two, but without a runaway princess, evil queen, and house of dwarves.  The mirrors also don't talk, that I'm aware of....  Okay, so not a lot in common with the magical mirror of Snow White.

I thought the top of my library card catalog needed a mirror.  I had a green one that had lasted through college, but the green didn't look quite right above the catalog.

The green mirror needed some classing up.  The hardware on the catalog is a copper-y gold, so I decided that painting the mirror a similar color would make a nice compliment.  Maybe one day I'll purchase a real antique gold mirror, but for the moment, a $1 bottle of antique gold paint sounds good.

So, I set-up my mirror, lined the inside with painter's tape, and got to work painting.  Acrylic paint is multi-use, but at $1 it is not the highest quality.  It took about 7 layers to cover all the green of the mirror.  I didn't mind too much, I just painted and zoned out watching episodes of "Chuck" (one of my favorite shows, cancelled before its time).

Voila!  The finished product!

But wait, there's more!  Roaming the internet, I found that my eye was drawn to fun colored mirrors. A little ironic I just painted over one, right?  Listen well - there is a time and a place for a bright colored mirror.  I think I could make space for beauties like these though.

Chinois Mirror | Horchow                                               Yellow-Framed Mirror | Horchow

You don't just need art on a wall to bring a pop of color to space.  My mother was thinking about donating this mirror that had long graced the hallway or our old house to Goodwill.  Here was a perfect chance to refresh this mirror.  I think chartreuse becomes it, but let me know what you think!

Stop by again soon!

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